The upcoming generation of world stars seems to care little either for tried and trusted methods, or for our what we’re used to. Or are we dealing merely well tempered appearance?
Meet the Vienna Philharmonics – the long-established, illustrious trustee of the most authentic Viennese musical traditions that has been conducted by the greatest conductors of every era…
Language of music is universal; age and nationality are no barrier to musical dialogue.
“Vibrato is like a disease. Leopold Mozart, who published his violin method in 1766, wrote that some players use it all the time, and their hand shakes as though they had fever.” BSF Magazine’s interview with Sir Roger Norrington.
Natalie Dessay has always been a self-aware artist: she took on roles rarely, so that she could give her utmost in them – and that is exactly what she did.
The documentary Occupation 1968 shows the events from a rather unusual perspective: of these five countries rather than of the victim’s.
The storyteller is „simply” a girl, or more likely a bitter and disillusioned woman, who is remembering her youth years. And there is (naturally?) a man, addressed in this second person singular story…
“My father was a poor tailor’s mate with five children. It was no easy task, but finally I got from the ‘Ér [a river in Romania and Hungary] to the ocean’ as the saying goes”. The incredible story of Brigitta Kele.
Are they just “cute girls on a podium” who make “musicians think about other things”? No way! Let us introduce you some female conductors who simply rock in everything they do.
This year the PONT Festival, which specializes in such “treasure hunting tours in the attic”, concentrates on the coastal regions of the Mediterranean Sea, and aims to present the customs of the Easter celebrations.
I saw himself before me as a singer with relaxing baritone, never-ending concert tours, melancholic and meditative songs. But all the time, there was this little question on my mind…
He goes down in history as the first artist who sings and conducts simultaneously in one concert or recording.
Touching on the questions of the superficially constructed female values, Marge Monko examines the storytelling powers of commercialism’s impacts.
Nowadays these quarters offer the cheapest labour to the construction industry and other dangerous work. These workers have no insurance, no contract, and no any kind of welfare-service. They receive their daily payment in cash.
Why were we able to accept people like Giovanna 7,5 decades ago, and why do we have deep aversion, fear and worries toward the African refugees?
The attack against the government quarter could have been prevented and the help to save people on Utoya Island was seriously late.
An incredible lady who mixes the experiences of eight decades with a cultural heritage of several centuries.
“I want to show a character who is going through really difficult trials but tries to find the beauty in the chaos. It’s always better than giving up.”
Now you can read Ivanka Mogilska’s secrets, behind the glistering scenes: where, when, how and with whom did she write Sudden Streets?
How come that someone who used to rule and utilise the light suddenly experiences enlightenment and lets his previous life goals go? This is what I asked the novel’s writer about…
Susan Barker: “I was drawn to write about China because I have an ancestral connection to the country through my grandfather.”
Najeeb and Vivian escape to self-education and Qayyum to the Indian independence movement, all turning against a system ruled by white men… – A review of “A God in Every Stone” by Kamila Shamsie.
“One cannot work as a teacher if he doesn’t believe that everyone of the pupils are good and important and they should be given all possibilities to live a good life. Maybe it’s the same with writing: there aren’t good or bad characters.”
It´s an eternal debate these days who are the “real” refugees. Only those who flee from the war, or also those who live in extreme poverty?
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