My father was also very fond of Péter Eötvös, Kurtág and Ligeti, he studied their pieces with enthusiasm – Szakcsi Jr remembers.
The organinsers reached out to Gyumri to have a series of concerts. I am from Gyumri, so is Gurdjieff – Lusine Grigoryan explains.
This free improvisational form is one of the most personal things a musician can express in his life – explains Gergő Borlai.
As Harold walks, he meets people, hears their stories, and rediscovers the simple beauties of life and nature.
“Blood and Honey” appears to have struck a chord with many viewers, and the filmmakers have already shot a sequel.
Committed to pioneering new approaches, Kronos Quartet has experimented with a wide range of genres and trends since its beginnings.
Bowie was a performer of incredible charisma, combining a dry wit with profound philosophical meditations on time, art, and poetry.
Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland portray grieving parents navigating a series of perplexing and unsettling events…
In this futuristic world, the Womb Centre offers a unique and expensive solution: portable, egg-like pods allow babies to develop…
Irén Lovász has worked on a four-part album series for seventeen years. Release concert of the last one is coming soon!
Revolution, betrayal, a mysterious poet, renewing and inventing genres: the meta story of Sardanapalo is pure adventure itself!
Liszt Fest returns in 2023 too! The press was invited to attend a gathering where a card game was played and programmes announced.
A bridge is being built between Budapest and Rome – and the result is a series of exciting concerts with Italian musicians!
The performance explains the infidelity of a woman who cannot forget her first and true love and flees her bad marriage.
Debussy: “I wished music to have such freedom to which it is probably better suited than any other art form…”
Oppenheimer is frequently called the „father of the atomic bomb” – his memento is ethically controversial to say the least.
We follow Sir Jackie Stwart on a wild ride that goes from the roaring motorsports scene to exploring profound themes…
“Dalíland” takes us on a journey into the world of the legendary surrealist artist Salvador Dalí. A review by Dora Endre.
According to our story, Renfield lives to fulfill his master Dracula’s twisted wishes, no matter how depraved they may be.
Undoubtedly, “Villeneuve Pironi” truly shines when it explores the untold stories of the women behind these legendary drivers.
When we meet 14-year-old protagonist of Beautiful Beings, he endures bullying, physical violence, and emotional torment.
In the realm of celebrities, where actors and filmmakers take center stage, there exists a hidden gem—a woman named Jennifer Lash.
The Ghost of Richard Harris: a wonderfully shot and edited documentary introduces us to the enigmatic actor – a man of extremes.
Sick of Myself cleverly explores the lengths people go to feel noticed and valued – even if it means losing their authenticity.
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