We are pleased to invite artists, arts managers and curators from all arts disciplinary backgrounds from 37 eligible countries to apply for the ArtsLink International Fellowships.
“This is something like an open world simulation game where the movements of the audience – or more like participants – influence the story.” Interview with Ambrus Ivanyos about how to disappear completely…
“The work of Ex Nihilo starts with observation, rereading an intact space, listening to our intuitions, emotions, one or the other idea, moment, feeling.” An interview with Anne Le Batard.
He composed with sixteen already, but rejects the elitist attitude of the classical music scene and goes his own path – which includes a lot. The intriguing life story of Ólafur Arnalds with drumming, existential questions, robots, lost harmony and regained silence…
“Although my stones can’t replace gravestones, people still can visit them” – Gunter Demnig recalls how the Stolpersteine became his essential life work.
The bottomless well of literature, from rhymes to poems, from illustrated tales to YA novels, seems to be a good reason for our little ones to get stuck on the internet.
A compilation of ebook sites recommended by the Arthereartnow editorial.
“The design, journey and observations of our Solar System are more than just scientific and artistic profiling. They are about the entitlement of nature, and what we inherited as living, breathing and dreaming things.” (Jeff Mills)
“I did not attempt to slip the smallest personal attention, or added message, into an already perfect work; rather, I sought to listen to the score scrupulously (and lovingly), read the libretto and translate…” Maurice Béjart on staging The Magic Flute.
This year’s program is characterized by five key topics: “Decolonizing Wor:l:ds,” “Nature Writing,” “The Art of Cooking,” “The Politics of Drugs” and “The Evolution of Human Culture”.
For beginner and advanced rebels, fans of classical music, popular music, even world music. Sharpen your ears!
Changing diet is the best prescription against violation of the environment.
You already saw the cathedral, the skeleton of the destroyed old one reaches a hand to the modern new one. The Christchurch was never restored, but the spire is still there. And this is the Holy Trinity…
To this day, around 2,000 art lovers have visited the exhibition of the most important performance artist of the present day.
“Living in the same village doesn’t mean us to hang out together around the clock. Rehearsing gives us good vibes, can’t be put into words how it feels to resonate, crying, grieving, laughing together, engulfed with sympathy comforting each other.” Renáta Báder and Fruzsina Háda speak about Live long, Regina!, an improvisational docudrama by the group SajátSzínház.
The performance inspires you to meditate on the different essential archetypical ideas of life – that are recognizable in the Tarot cards – about their relations and their presence in your life or in your actual life situation.
It’s not like a poem reciting event with background projection and music. For me, all these forms are equal and juxtaposed, I’m creating a “living text body” from their mixture. – Kinga Tóth is preparing for her performance show in the Trafó.
The International Choral Celebration, held in Budapest from May 18 to 21, shows the most beautiful and engaging face of choral music.
“I have a recurring dream where I’m roaming around in a house. I always discover new rooms, but somehow I am already aware of them before going in for the first time…” – Choreographer Andrea Mészöly reveals how the dream became a dance show on stage.
aroque music usually has a pace of 50-80 beats per minute, and the brain responds to it by taking up the electrical patterns characteristic of the relaxed state, which, according to some researchers, facilitates activities like studying and reading…
István Haász, one of the most prominent artists of the Hungarian geometric constructivism, will present his first solo show at Ani Molnár Gallery.
From his mid-20s right until his death, Leonard Bernstein was America’s favourite, and the pride of the nation: the first American-born conductor to conquer the world. He understood and felt the American style…
All three works contain references to moments in Wilhelmine’s life: the self-sacrificing, loving sister, the hysterical arguments between her parents, the tyrannical father forcing his daughter to marry, who even condemns his own son to death.
In his Autobiography, Wayne McGregor gives a synthesis of everything that he knows, thinks, and feels about dance and humankind. And of what he has discovered, this time through his own genome.
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