Everyone should read Bergen Waltz
The deterrent force of trauma gets weaker and weaker, and suddenly the Bergen-Belsen experiences burst out of BIG.
The deterrent force of trauma gets weaker and weaker, and suddenly the Bergen-Belsen experiences burst out of BIG.
It was the most daring undertaking of mankind; to send a probe to find the ultimate frontier; the end of the universe.
Péter Forgács’s video work Venom will be exhibited at the artgenève international art fair in Switzerland by the Ani Molnár Gallery.
I felt like the bottom of my world fell out. How was I supposed to break down the news to my parents? What was I supposed to tell them?
“I don’t want to see the visions anymore. They are wrong.” Her mom cupped her face between her hands. “How can you say that? God is talking to you.”
She was pretty alright, but beyond that there was something in the way she looked at him, with the ghost of a smile on her lips.
“Look for a star? In the quantum level? Jack, this is not the time to be a jackass.” “What, I’m just trying to be useful.”
Every time I get home, there’s a naked body in the bed. It’s always the same body, female, 30’s, just lying there, pale in the early morning gloom…
The little defect of my kind is widely known, it’s how we are identified by prospective hunters. See, when we fall in love, we undergo certain… changes.
“Hey! Tim! You hear me? Come ‘n get me out of here, bitch! … Look, I really don’t think this is gonna work. We did not part on the best of terms.”
My first instinct was to protest that I wasn’t a vohiek, but the Prince went on. “I should have killed you when I had the chance. I might, still.”
“Any prince or noble would be glad to have that pure blood in their dynasty. Instead of cleaning shit for aristocrats…”
“My… my lord… will you dance the Opening Dance with me…?” the Princess breathed, half her bashful sigh muffled by that famed golden fall of hair.
“And I wish I could just keep silent, I don’t know how I look to you, probably just a fluid being, existing only in your words…”
“This is a non-smoking institution,” another guy from one of the top bunk beds informed him. Jack tsked at him. “C’mon, no one’s gonna notice.”
“The only sign of life were the signs used to advertise sales. They were still flashing on and off. One of them read: CONGRATS! YOU BROKE TIME!”
“You’ll die as fish. The glass stopped in her hand. What was that supposed to mean? Doesn’t matter, probably just misheard something.”
Then there was darkness some more, but now there was also light, small and fluttering, like candlelight, but gradually getting stronger…
She tiptoed out of her room, avoiding the creaky floorboards, crept down the stairs with her heartbeat thundering in her ears.