Search result for : Hungarian

The way we play this instrument is like conducting a whole orchester

Christmas Organ Concert: Monika Melcová and the choirs of the Zoltán Kodály Hungarian Choral School, Müpa, 12.12.2018, 7:30 pm Less than three days, less than seventy-two hours of miracle, it’s just started but already over again. Although we wait for this all day long. Could it be that not Christmas...

When an audience is truly with me, I feel that anything is possible – interview with Stanley Jordan

Take two Hungarian drummers, a Chilean bass guitarist and an American guitarist. Shake them well and serve them fresh and hot on Müpa’s stage. How could you spice them even more? Well, what would you say if I told you that the guitarist plays with a special technique, invented as...

INDA Gallery is proud to announce a solo presentation of Marianne Csáky’s work

Marianne Csáky at a ppr oc he, Paris: an invitation-based art-fair of experimental photography is held between 9 and 11 November, at Paris’s distinguished Galerie le Molière, 40 Rue de Richelieu, 75001, featuring the artist's works. In her experimental photography, a fine selection of which is to be presented at a ppr oc...

A multilingual theatre installation: Faust 1&2

Following its highly successful premiere in Munich, Pathos Theater, the Bavarian capital’s largest independent company will bring their experimental Faust performance to CAFe Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival audiences. This international project features German, Greek, Turkish and even two Hungarian artists, both of whom belong to the Pro Progressione Hungarian contemporary...

How to hold the fan if you want to express your love?

What can I thank to partner dance? The other day, I found something very interesting on one of my favourite Facebook sites on history. It was a list of the “Language of the Fan” that was found in...

Some little miracles in life that I got from dance

“You can’t put this child on a stage this way!”, complained the director when he confronted a weird little character, maybe the weirdest of all. It was a seven-year-old girl who learned the whole script and all the lyrics without problems and happily recited it on request. She had no...

We can go around in augmented reality with our physical body – interview with Ambrus Ivanyos

I love theatre, that has always been so. For some reason, though, I have become a bit more estranged from classical staging lately. I am rather interested in interactive, transformative forms that involve audience as participants or even contributors. I came across a lot of intriguing ideas throughout the years,...

Who is the man behind the remembrance stones? – interview with Gunter Demnig

On August 11, a so-called Stolperstein (“stumbling stone”) was laid in front of 1 Pozsonyi Street, Budapest, which was the poet Miklós Radnóti’s home before he was sent for forced labour service and killed during the Second World War. Small commemoration, few words in newspapers - only because it wasn’t...

Let’s get lost in a crypt with the Tarot Labyrinth!

Tarot Labyrinth - Personal interactive self-awareness performance of the Living Picture Theater The Tarot Labyrinth follows an exceptional performance form: through interactive communicative situations you are called into a self-knowledge performance or if you like into a philosophical roll-game. This time the scene is a crypt in which the visitor wanders individually. At the...

It’s always a good sign when language is on the move – interview with Kinga Tóth about her performance show

You showed me the one with the lyrics ’I bumped the sofa, Auntie’, didn’t you? Yes! How you remember, it’s been three years since I showed you that one! Somehow I always get music like that from you (or at the Trafó)… This messaging with a friend brought me back...

There are no rivals at this competition, only friends – interview with conductor Gábor Hollerung

World festival, competition, gala and a stunning experience of classical music… in one? Yes, this is a real thing, coming soon in the Müpa Budapest between May 18 and 21, and it’s called the International Choral Celebration. Thousands of people will turn up at several locations and concerts – professional...

Women and men on stage play roles, I went for the individual – interview with choreographer Andrea Mészöly

My house is my body. Sometimes an eternal labyrinth. A chaotic bustle. Lots of reflexions. Toss and turn – where I stand, without even starting off. A way, an obscure collision in the darkness, a connection. Synchronicity.  Body is in the focus of the show ’My house’, body with different...

Light is playing with shadow, colours are telling a story

We are delighted to announce that István Haász, one of the most prominent artists of the Hungarian geometric constructivism, will present his first solo show at Ani Molnár Gallery. István Haász’s works examine the relation of surfaces to each other and their effect on space. Meanwhile he calls forth the...

I Hear America Singing

Composer, conductor, pianist, a passionate promoter of music, and an ebullient showman – Leonard Bernstein was all of these once. The Kennedy family adored him, President Nixon’s description of him is not fit to be printed, the FBI compiled a 700-page file on him, the expression “radical chic” was coined...

A Self-Aware Orchestra

A more colourful example of the ability of music to transcend cultures could hardly be found: Columbia, Uzbekistan, and Austria meet in Budapest, in the spirit of Beethoven, Bartók, and Stravinsky. An orchestra dear to our hearts, but once barred for decades from performing in the Hungarian capital, arrives in...

Regardless of Age

Once a child prodigy who toured at the age of ten, Maxim Vengerov returns to the Hungarian concert platform with his students, and Péter Frankl makes chamber music with a cellist fifty years younger than him, István Várdai, in what promise to be two of the most exciting concerts in...

Antidote to the False Glamour

After a long interval Sir Roger Norrington conducts again in Budapest. The eighty-three year old British conductor, known for his much discussed approach to performance, the first to record all Beethoven’s symphonies with the original tempo markings, conducts the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in a Mozart programme. In...

Shoot above the crowd, then before their feet, and then shoot in the crowd

In August 20, 1968, troops of the Soviet Union, The People’s Republic of Poland, the German Democratic Republic, the People’s Republic of Hungary and the People’s Republic of Bulgaria crossed the border of Czechoslovakia. Fifty years later, the documentary Occupation 1968 shows the events from a rather unusual perspective: of these...

From the Heart of Transylvania to the Met

Barely seven years old, a little girl in a small church in Oradea, in the St. Catherine estate started her career: she was playing Mary in the nativity play. Thanks to her stamina she strode confidently up the imaginary rungs of the opera world, until in 2016 she reached the...

Who Wears the Trousers?

Though a few decades ago Herbert von Karajan, the conductor who long defined the profile of the Berlin Philharmonic, declared that women’s place was in the kitchen, not a symphony orchestra, there is no corner of classical music where they are not present. Nowadays more and more women are taking...

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