The Brutalist Review: Wrecking Ball to the American Dream
The Brutalist: a post-World War II immigrant architect chasing a better, safer life—in a country that often does not seem to want him.
More From Film
The Brutalist: a post-World War II immigrant architect chasing a better, safer life—in a country that often does not seem to want him.
Anora reflects the struggles, desires, and quiet triumphs of people who rarely get to see themselves on screen.
Even within the grim tableau of There’s Still Tomorrow, director Cortellesi finds moments of humanity and even humor.
Baby Girl is ambitious in tackling power, submission, shame, and desire. The problem is, ambition is not always enough.
Beyond its production history, Bunny Lake Is Missing is fascinating for its bold approach to taboo subjects.
The Night of the Hunter may have flopped in its time, but its influence is undeniable. It is as relevant today as it was unsettling in 1955.
A Real Pain is not just about one family’s trauma (as if that was not too much already); it is about all of us.
Naples in Parthenope looks like paradise; the film bathes its landscapes in a golden, almost mythical glow.
At its core, Nightbitch is about a woman struggling to reconcile her past identity with her new role as a stay-at-home mother.
More From Fine Arts
Systems of Logic: The Art and Mind of Agnes Denes offers an immersive opportunity to experience the vast scope of her career.
Vivian Maier’s hidden treasure trove of photographs was uncovered when one of her storage lockers was auctioned off due to unpaid bills.
Throughout history, artists have returned to the theme of the kiss, each time offering their unique interpretation.
As part of the centenary of her birth in 2023, Maria Callas’ story continues to captivate audiences in unexpected ways.
In the central work of this exhibition, the artist leaves behind her the roles that have previously controlled her and other women artists.
How, where, when did they finally meet and what happened between them? I asked Dalí-Freud curator Jaime Brihuega.
I-Opener deals with hard topics and I want nothing less than to make participants reflect on their own behaviour – says Oliver Juan.
I-opener is a free immersive video installation that aims to cultivate a deeper sense of ecological awareness.
Budapest art trader Virag Judit Gallery has set the starting price for Tivadar Csontvary Kosztka’s (1853-1919) work at the December 19 sale.
More From Literature
In Abu Dhabi, Hamilton seems to be the definite winner, as Verstappen should fight his way through five lapped cars…
Hungarian writer and thinker Sándor Márai spend a huge part of his life in exile, partly in Italy. Soon we can learn more about those years.
Humour, as Ferenc Szijj does it, offers a predominantly absurd and grotesque quality and an ironic tone, similar to István Örkény.
Balassi still belonged to the generation who wrote poems to melodies, so they are a great match to early music.
Edina Szvoren is a master of contemporary Hungarian short stories and one of the most original voices in Hungary.
In Prisoners of Beliefs, both the storyline and the cast of characters help us to delve into burning issues of our global society.
Bertha and Hanna had no example to follow, they just went along with their own intuitions – says Cecilie Enger about the protagonists.
The deterrent force of trauma gets weaker and weaker, and suddenly the Bergen-Belsen experiences burst out of BIG.
Endre Domonkos, in his current work, summarises the economic history of Hungary in 10 chapters and more than 200 pages, richly illustrated.
More From Music
Meet Kálmán Balogh and a bunch of talented young musicians who play a characteristically Hungarian instrument!
Sean Shibe, Mathis Kaspar Stier, Júlia Pusker, the Sonoro Quartet and Sebastian Heindl are part of the Rising Stars programme.
Mozart was incorporating the legacy of the past into his own oeuvre with a fantastic instinct – explains composer György Orbán.
My father was also very fond of Péter Eötvös, Kurtág and Ligeti, he studied their pieces with enthusiasm – Szakcsi Jr remembers.
The organinsers reached out to Gyumri to have a series of concerts. I am from Gyumri, so is Gurdjieff – Lusine Grigoryan explains.
This free improvisational form is one of the most personal things a musician can express in his life – explains Gergő Borlai.
Committed to pioneering new approaches, Kronos Quartet has experimented with a wide range of genres and trends since its beginnings.
Irén Lovász has worked on a four-part album series for seventeen years. Release concert of the last one is coming soon!
More From Theater
The play Nye is coming to cinemas internationally and to NT Live, thanks to National Theatre’s five-star video production.
The multi-story guest house is meticulously crafted, with staircases that almost seem to lead to heaven—symbolic of the family’s dreams.
A comparative review of performances of Every Brilliant Thing and Please Do Not Touch in two Coventry theatres.
In Darfur and My Mother’s Funeral: The Show both ask uncomfortable yet quintessential questions of representation.
St. Ann’s Warehouse, transformed from an industrial warehouse to a contemporary theatre, serves as the perfect venue for The Hunt.
In the Drip Canon, the Eastern mindset is very strong, and Heraclitus is the most ‘Eastern’ Greek philosopher for me – says Gábor Goda.
Liszt Fest returns in 2023 too! The press was invited to attend a gathering where a card game was played and programmes announced.
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